Adding a study
If you wish to view a study for which you are not the requesting physician, you can add this study to your list, provided that the patient has given you the reference number and his/her date of birth.
Then click on the ADD STUDY button in the top left corner.
A window will be displayed to enter the study's reference number and the patient's date of birth. Click on ADD STUDY.
The respective study will be opened immediately.
In case a single or multiple exams have been shared with a non-PACSonWEB user, there is no reference number but only a POW code (POW......).
You can add this exam in a similar way by entering the POW code in the reference number field and the date of birth for one of the related patients.
tip Label


After you’ve added a study, this study will remain available in your own list for future reference.
In case you are an administrator of a group, you will have the additional option to add the exam for the entire group.
After adding the exam, it will be accessible for all members of the group.
Adding a single study:
When adding a single study, you can choose between the following options:
ADD STUDY: the study will be added to the study list of the user
ADD AND OPEN STUDY: the study will be added to the study list of the user and the study will be opened in the viewer
ADD AN OPEN STUDY IN LIST: the study will be added to the study list with the reference number filled in as filter to show the added study
Adding a bucket (more than 1 study):
When adding a bucket, you can choose between the following options:
ADD STUDIES the studies will be added to the study list of the user.
ADD AND OPEN STUDIES IN LIST: the studies will be added to the study list with the reference number filled in as filter to show the added studies.