Downloading studies from the overview page
Proceed as follows to download a study from the overview page:
1) Select the studies you wish to download.
2) Click on Download images.
3) A pop-up window will appear offering you various options for downloading the images:
download a ZIP file with images in PNG format (standard image format)
download a ZIP file with images in DICOM format (medical standard)
Note Label


In case the report is in PDF format, the option "Include report" cannot be selected.
download a ZIP file with images in original DICOM format with DICOM tags as provided by the local modality or PACS, not taking into account modifications by RIS data or made in PACSonWEB
download a ZIP file with images in uncompressed DICOM format
Note Label


In case the report is in PDF format, the option "Include report" cannot be selected.
load the images directly in Osirix
Note Label


You can only use this option if Osirix has been installed.
In order to be able to load exams into Osirix, it is mandatory that pop ups from the site are allowed by your browser
Transfer the images to PACS
Note Label


You can only use this option if an import client has been installed on your server. See Importing studies in PACS.
In case the report is in PDF format, the option "Include report" cannot be selected.
4) Click on the format you wish to download and then click on DOWNLOAD.
For the following options, the report (if available and accessible) is included as a SR file (structured report) by default:
DICOM format
DICOM decompressed format
DICOM transfer
Only reports with status "preliminary" or "validate", can be downloaded. If the report is still in status "draft" or is stored in PDF format, it will not be available for download.
The option to include the report can be unchecked by the user before download.
Study information
In case you are downloading a single exam and you select DICOM or DICOM uncompressed, Load into Osirix or DICOM transfer, you have the option to modify or anonymize the study data.
A full explanation on data anonymization is available in Anonymizing Studies.
You can add the 'Imported' label to the study for
your user
a user group
This label is visible on the overview page in the column 'Labels'.
How to configure your column settings is explained in Overview page configuration
5) In case you are downloading a single exam and you select DICOM or DICOM uncompressed, you also have the option of editing the study data.
Select ‘Adapt study data’ and then click on ‘Next step’. This option is always selected for ‘Load in Osirix’ and ‘DICOM transfer’.
With ‘DICOM transfer’ you have the option of editing the study data using a DICOM work list. This is explained in further detail in Importing studies in PACS.
For the other options, the data can only be edited manually.
6) Here you can edit the study data and patient information.
7) You must always check the box next to ‘I agree to the DICOM meta info being updated with the entered/selected information’ before you may proceed.
8) If you wish to add the ‘imported’ label to this study, check the box next to ‘Add the "Imported" label for ...’.
Note Label


You can configure this for your user and for the groups to which you belong.
9) A ZIP file will be displayed.
Note Label


Where the ZIP file appears depends on your browser. In Google Chrome, for example, it will be displayed in the lower left part of the screen.
10) Double-click on the ZIP file. A window will be displayed with a tab called "Extract: Compressed Folder Tools".
11) You can now see various directories. Each directory corresponds to a study whose images you wish to download.
12) Click on ‘Extract all’ to extract the ZIP files and save them on your computer.