Forgotten/expired password
In case you have forgotten your password or the password has expired (generally after one year) you can use the Forgot Password? procedure.
This procedure can only be used if your mobile phone number is registered with Dobco Medical Systems.
Fill in your username and click Continue.
From the next screen, you can click Forgot your password?
When you click on Forgot your password?, a pop-up window will be displayed with the e-mail address you entered in the first screen.
Verify that the email address is spelled correctly and click RESET
A window will be displayed when you click on ‘Send’ confirming that an email with instructions has been sent to the given email address. If you do not receive the email, please contact the service desk.
You will now be sent a mail to your e-mail address. Click on the 'Password Reset’ link in this e-mail.
Clicking on this link will open a web page where you:
1. must enter the SMS code that you receive at the GSM number registered with Dobco Medical Systems soon after you click on the link in the e-mail (the GSM number where the code is sent is also mentioned in the e-mail)
2. enter a password of your choosing (requirements: at least 1 letter, at least 1 number, a total of at least 8 characters)
3. confirm the new password
Then click on Reset password.
If everything was entered correctly, you'll be redirected to the login page. Now you can log on with your user name and new password.
In case an incorrect SMS code is entered, the password will not be changed. If 5 times an incorrect SMS code is used the account will be locked.
warning Label


The link in the e-mail is valid for 48 hours. If you click on this link after 48 hours, the following text will be displayed: "The link for resetting your password has expired. Please click on the link again to reset your password and you will receive a new e-mail with an updated link."