Personal configuration shortcut keys
There are 2 ways of accessing the configuration of the personal shortcut keys.
1. As mentioned in Preferences in the viewer section.
2. By hovering over the settings icon and clicking on Shortcut keys
A new tab will be opened where all the shortcut keys are listed and can be configured.
The color code shows
which shortcuts have the default value
which shortcuts have been personalized
which shortcuts have cannot be modified
which shortcuts are conflicting (assigned 2x the same value)
Adding or changing a shortcut key
You can change a shortcut key to a personal one or add an extra shortcut key to an existing one. There can be up to 3 shortcut keys for 1 function.
Change a shortcut key
Click on the shortcut key you would like to change.
Define a new shortcut key.
Add a shortcut key
Hover over the functionality where you want to add an additional shortcut.
Click on the + icon
A new line will become available.
Click on 'Not set' and define the shortcut key.
When you made changes to the configuration of your shortcuts, the following warning will be shown in the top of the screen:
In order to save your modifications click on SAVE SHORTCUT KEYS
Restore defaults shortcut keys:
When you want to change the default shortcut key for only 1 shortcut. Hover over the shortcut key and click on Restore default.
When you want to restore all default shortcut keys, click on the RESTORE DEFAULT SHORTCUT KEYS button.
Supported attributes:
Unsupported buttons:
All numbers (0 ... 9)