Reading workflow
1. Opening study from worklist
When a study is opened from a worklist, it is indicated to which source the study belongs.
The name of the worklist is also displayed, followed by the number of studies in that list.
If the study is reserved, this will also be indicated with the pin icon.
2. Opening studies from selection
The selection boxes for selecting studies can be shown on order or study level.
This is managed by a setting, linked to the source of the study.
Selection on Order level
Selection on Study level
A specific study can also be selected by clicking on the procedure description label.
This can be useful for an order with multiple studies where the user wants to open a specific study.
3. Bulk reporting
Select the studies you want to create a report for by enabling the checkboxes as shown in the examples above.
Click on the REPORT button in the bottom right or right mouse click to start reporting the selected studies.
The total number of selected studies is shown in the series picker:
When the last study of the selection is reported, the user is redirected back to the worklist page.
4. Creating a report and study status update
When opening a study, the user can choose to automatically open the report in edit mode or manually activate edit mode. This option does not apply to validated reports, which must be edited manually.
4.1 Automatically
Highlight the option shown below.
 | Important! This option needs to be enabled and saved for the worklist. |
4.2 Manually
Click on the pencil icon or shortcut F2 to directly activate the speechmike in record mode.
The user can now start making the report.
Text blocks can help to speed up the workflow. These are preconfigured blocks of text that can be inserted and modified afterwards.
Text blocks for more information on how to create and insert text blocks.
4.3 Report hyperlinks
The user can create hyperlinks from images and add them to the report text.
Rich Reporting is used, the hyperlink will be clickable. If you are using plain text or the report is sent out via HL7 or printed, the hyperlink will be converted to plain text.
Adding a hyperlink to a report
Adding an image hyperlink to the report can be done in three ways.
First, select the image in the viewport:
1. Right-click and select the option Add image to report
2. CTRL + drag & drop the image
3. CTRL + C (to copy the image) and CTRL + V (to paste the image)
All three methods will add the hyperlink to the image at the cursor position.
Display format of hyperlinks
The display format of hyperlinks is not configurable and the format differs for Current study and Prior study. For each format, S = Series and I = Image
Current study:[S+SeriesNumber I+ImageNumber]
Prior study:[Procedure name (study date) - S+SeriesNumber I+ImageNumber]

Navigating to a linked image
To navigate to the linked image, simply click on the hyperlink within an editable or non-editable report while working within DeepUnity PACSonWEB.
If the hyperlink was converted to plain text, you will need to manually navigate to the image.
Clicking on the hyperlink will navigate you to the correct image in any of the available image viewports.
Image display location
• If an image viewport was active previously, the last active image viewport will be used.
• If no image viewport was active previously, the first available viewport will be used.
• If the previous active viewport is no longer visible, the image will be displayed in the 1st available non-report viewport
• If the report is full screen, the image will be opened in the report viewport as it is the only viewport available.
Report references an unavailable image
If an image, series or study referenced in a report has since been removed, a dialog box will appear when the hyperlink is clicked, warning the user that the image could not be loaded.
For example: If the series is no longer found in the study, the following message is displayed: "This image could not be loaded because the series was not found."
4.4 Auto saved reports:
Every 30 seconds an automatic auto save of the report is made. This means that when the connection is lost for some reason, there will be an auto saved version of the report.
If there is an auto saved report for a study, this will be shown in the worklist.
The icon is only visible for the user who created the auto saved version of the report. Other users will not see the icon in their worklist.
This functionality can lead to 2 scenarios:
1. Opening a study with an auto saved report which the logged in user created.
2. Opening a study with an auto saved report which the logged in user did not create.
Scenario 1:
If the user opens an auto saved report, the following warning is shown:
RESTORE AUTO-SAVE: opens the last auto saved version.
START FROM PREVIOUS SAVED VERSION: in case there was already a saved report (preliminary/draft), this version will be used.
Scenario 2:
If the user opens a study where there is an auto saved report created by another user, the following warning is shown:
"DeepUnity PACSonWEB has recovered a previous version of the report that [User] created on [dd/mm/yyyy] 00:00. If you wish to continue with this report, the auto-saved report version will be deleted. Are you sure?"
Note that the username who created the report is shown in the warning.
CANCEL: the report is cancelled.
CONTINUE AND DISCARD AUTO-SAVE: the auto-save will be deleted and new report is started.
4.5 Saving the report
When the user has finished creating the report, the following actions are available:
• Save and validate (Shortkey: F8)
• Send for correction (Shortkey: F7)
• Save as "Preliminary" (Shortkeys: CTRL + F8)
• Save as "Draft" (Shortkeys: ALT + F8)
• Cancel
The study status is updated in line with the chosen action:
• Save and validate: status Finalized
• Send for correction: status Pending report correction
• Save as "Preliminary": status To Validate
• Save as "Draft": status Dictated
• Cancel: no change in status
In the worklist the status is displayed in the column Status.
Depending on user preference one of the following actions will occur after saving a report:
• Return to worklist
• Move to next study (studies that are reserved or locked are skipped)
• Stay in current study
This can be defined for each user, in the user settings under tab preferences (See
 | Note: This icon is only visible when opening the study from the worklist. |
5. Workflow icon
The Workflow menu is accessible from the top toolbar in the viewer through the icon "WF".
When not in report editing mode, you have the possibility to:
• Skip study (shortkey F9)
• Change the status of the study
• Change the status of the study and go to the next study
• Change the priority of the study (permission required)
The status change will be visible in the Status column of the worklist.
When in report editing mode, the following options are available:
• Skip study (shortkey F9)
• Validate the report and move to the next study
• Save the report as preliminary and move to the next study
• Validate the report and return to the worklist
• Save the report as preliminary and return to the worklist
• Change the status of the study
• Change the status of the study and go to the next study
• Change the priority of the study (permission required)
 | Note: This icon is only visible when opening the study from the worklist. |